ナチス政権が行ったユダヤ人虐殺(ホロコースト)を否定し、さらにナチス政権擁護ととられる言動を繰り返していた高須克弥氏が、アメリカ美容外科学/American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery(AACS)から追放されたとみられる。
に対しての返信書簡を紹介。AACSは高須氏の言動を「アカデミー規律の対象となる行為」と認めたうえで、審議会を経てAACSの会員資格をはく奪した(terminated his AACS membership)としている。声明文より抜粋
“We were informed that the AACS launched its own independent investigation,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Associate Dean and Director of Social Action Agenda. “We have now received a letter that said in part, “…after considering the recommendations of the JAC [the Academy’s Judicial Affairs Council] the Board determined Dr. Katsuya Takasu engaged in “Conduct Subject to Discipline” as defined in AACS’s Bylaws, and, in accordance therewith, terminated his AACS membership.”関連キーワード
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