(一社)心の健康教室 理事長 相良 五郎 氏
先ほど携帯電話をかけようとすると、「貴方の電話は録音します」とガイダンス。身体が続けば、もうひと踏ん張り(1~2年)させていただきたいと思っています。3) Improvement of Depression
Associated with Coronavirus (Covid-19)
I’ve been keep telling that treating depression doesn’t require medication such as antidepressant. It is encouraged to use by those with powerful people/organization. Japanese government spend more than five trillion yen for those with depression. How much is going to be in another country or in the world? Generally, treatment for depression requires long period of time and it also leads serious problems such as suicide, family breakdown, crimes, and etc. This needs to stop.Depression should not be combined with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. In order to remove suicidal thoughts of those with depression might require a few days of medication treatment but not for a long period of time. In my theory, the more severe depressive mood is, the more quickly it improves. It doesn’t require short term but a few hours.
I devoted my career at social welfare facility for person’s with disability for over fifty years as well as analyzing human mental structure for fifty -six year. I don’t want to abandon someone who’s been struggling from depression as long as I can. When I first started analyzing human mental structure, my purpose was to know more about myself. Thereafter, I continued to analyze other people and gather enormous amounts of data. During that time, I spent my time learning psychology, philosophy, psychology of religion and other related area. While I was running social welfare facility for those with mentally disability, I learned the lot through accepting people with anorexia, germaphobes, and panic disorder for short term program from the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine of Kyushu University Hospital in Japan. In September 2009, I finally discovered the solution of depression including the causes, the trigger points, and the beginning after many years of my research. In my theory, depression doesn’t come from the level of serotonin but the idea of the person itself.
Human beings are living in the society where we support each other. For instance, team sports require multiple players although individual sports do not. Those with depression plays “individually” while playing team sports. As a result of it, it will make them socially isolated. Then, some people commit suicide after having enormous fear.
Most People will gradually get over the crisis we’ve been through right now although it is assumed that it might increase the suicide and crime rates. Is it their full responsibilities to commit crimes or being depressed or commit suicide? I’d like to emphasize that it’s not 100 percent their fault. This idea of playing individual sports when playing team sports grows in a process of discipline. It is largely influenced by your parent(s) or the person(s) who raise you.
Over one million people around the world with depressive mood ends their lives every year. This Coronavirus crisis might leads increase the number of suicides from now. It is important that we remove the pain of those who lose their will to live. We need to stop the people who are trying to commit suicide. I will do my best to prevent it as long as I can.
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