(一社)心の健康教室 理事長 相良五郎 氏
4) Economy and Welfare Work
Some elderly wants to go to a hospital across the river, but they can't since there is no bridge. There are times when you want to go shopping but they can't since the roads are bad.There’s a wide range of welfare. If we categorized welfare in such framework, building bridges and maintaining roads for those in need included (Civil engineering and construction) as well as medicine and education. Assistance for the old, disabled, children, social welfare recipient are called social welfare program. Most of our activities are related to welfare, and it is the economy that supports them.
Now, the administration party in Japan is trying to prop up the country's economy for those who have been impoverished by self-quarantine although it changes several times. It seems that they are only thinking about the economy. Many people are working hard in the field of welfare. I hope both politicians and those who ask for help to have own faith. It is important that we have a feeling of gratitude towards something/someone. Those who have rational thoughts have those feelings. Having rational thoughts means to respect rules, manners (compassion), morality, and etc. The essential part of feeling gratitude or grateful or rational thoughts can be acquired from teaching of various religions. Appreciation comes from accepting and acknowledging everything without judging others. You can learn a lot from negative examples such as villain who teaches you not to do the same. The important part is to accept their mistakes and be grateful to learn from them. People who have appreciation thoughts have better interpersonal relationships and mentally strength.
Since ancient times, humans have hunted in packs, fought against nature, hunted animals, and has became the top of predators. The key is that people support each other in a group (group life). When someone strays from the group and acts alone (isolation), they cannot protect themself when danger from dangerous situations. For example, you can see signs of “painfulness” when you are in danger. For example, snake bite causing pain, and break bones in fall from cliff. If you don't notice the signs, you will die.
Depression also has its signals. Depressed mood (depression) is a sign from your immunity of Kokoro which says that you have poor interpersonal relationships, you’re isolating yourself, you need to change your mindset, and you forget to have appreciation thoughts in order to adapt to society.
This important thing of gratitude can be learned from religions that teach morality although I can't tell you which religion is better. Whether it's monotheistic, Buddhist, or other religion, the choice is yours. People who spreads religions should not be too focused on economy or not to even mention about use of drugs.
As people have thoughts (we think and judge something). There are three ways to think about it.
(1) Notions (KANNEN): Assumptions without scientific basis.
(2) Concepts (GANNEN): Ideas that can be explained with scientific proof.
(3) Truth (SHINRI): Talk about the world before and after life that has not been clarified by science.
(1), (2) and (3) are likely to be one of the guiding principles when choosing a religion.One of the ways to keep your mind healthy is to study religion and learn about gratitude, which will improve your interpersonal relationships.
Since I've posted Article 1 to 4, but the point is, I’m eager to stop people from suffering as well as to stop having the domestic problems, suicides, and crimes.
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